Im Wind wehende Flagge der Ukraine vor blauem Himmel.

Fundraiser for Ukraine

Due to the current situation in Ukraine we have decided 10€ for each cap or beanie sold between now (February 27, 2022) and March 31, 2022.

In addition, we have activated the voluntary "tip" function in our checkout. 100% of the money collected here will also be added to the donation amount.

Please note that we cannot issue you a donation receipt for either the caps sold or the "tip" function.

The donation will be transferred to the joint donation account of "Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft" and "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" at the beginning of April:

IBAN: DE53 200 400 600 200 400 600
Key word: ARD/ emergency aid Ukraine

Spendenhinweis der ARD für das Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft und die Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

Image source cover image


Update 01.04.2022:

A total of €200 (rounded up) was collected.
We transferred the money today to the account linked above.

Überweisungsbeleg der Ukraine Spendenaktion über 200€